Mr. Aowlad has 22 years of experience as development professional in Bangladesh. Worked as an expert for market systems development to engage private sector in sustainable manner. Has deep understanding in horticultural development activities -nursery, vegetable seeds, crops and fruits backward-forward linkages. Worked exclusively for the Development of Livelihood and AIGAs for poor farmers with existing resource and skill development in agricultural sector. Managed project through partners on farmer’s production and market linkage development in agriculture & non-agricultural sector. Has worked in high-value commercial crops, fisheries, livestock, non-agricultural products value chain analysis and agro-business development for commercial farmers & women HHH (Northern, Southern & Coastal areas in BD. Has deep knowledge in Research & Development Planning to identify & select market oriented vegetable crops variety, planned to develop sales target & achievement strategy as Marketing & Sales ideas for Bangladesh seed market. Well strategic in terms of new technology commercialization to Bangladeshi seed companies through comprehensive plan and campaigning to provide smallholder farmers access to high-quality seeds of improved varieties of horticultural crops to increasing productivity and income.