House: 43 (4th & 6th floor), Road: 05, Sector: 13 Uttara, Dhaka

Potato Varieties

Country of origin: : Germany
Market destination: : Culinary and export
Maturity class : Extra early
Skin color : Yellow
Shape : Long oval
Flesh color : Yellow, deep yellow
Eye depth : Very shallow, shallow
Dry matter (%) : 16.22
Skin characteristic : Smooth
Yield per acre (MT) : 14-15
Maturity : 65-70 days
Dormancy : Medium
Disease resistance:


: Medium to high resistance against leaf blight, tuber blight, rhizoctonia, common scab, PVY
Sunshine is a very early to early table potato with cooking type B. Its long oval, well-shaped tubers attract with their very shallow eyes, smooth skin and unique brightness. Sunshine grows rapidly and achieves early high yields. Remarkable is its very early skin finish. It shows resistances against black leg, common scab and bruising. Resistant to PCN Ro 1.
king russet
Country of origin: : The Netherlands
Market destination: : French fries
Maturity class : Medium early
Skin color : Brown
Shape : Long oval
Flesh color : White flesh
Eye depth : Very shallow
Dry matter (%) : 22.8
Skin characteristic : Very smooth
Yield per acre (MT) : 9-10
Maturity : 90-100 days
Disease resistance: : Medium to high resistance against leaf blight, tuber blight, common scab and PVY
King Russet is a medium early French fries variety with white flesh that is very suitable for QSR (Quick Service Restaurants). The long-oval tubers with brown russet skin are ideal for processing early in season as well as processing after long-term storage. In addition, the variety has a high dry matter content on all soils and is resistant to potato cyst nematodes (PCN): A (9), BC (9), D (9) and E (9). The King Russet tuber is wart 1 and 6 resistant, strong against scab and internal defects.
Country of origin: : Germany
Market destination: : Chips, crisps
Chips quality after harvest : Very good
Chips quality after long term storage : Good
Maturity class : Medium early
Skin color : Light brown
Shape : Round oval
Flesh color : Yellow
Eye depth : Medium
Dry matter (%) : 23.5
Skin characteristic : Netted
Yield per acre (MT) : 12-13
Maturity : 90-100 days
Disease resistance: : High resistance against leaf blight, tuber blight, rhizoctonia, black leg, common scab and PVY
A modern high yielding crisps variety in terms of PCN resistances: Ro 1, Pa 2(8), 3(8). This main crops’ distinguishing characteristics are the homogenous grading of a high tuber number, frying color and appropriate DM content. Very tolerant to late blight as well. Papageno is very uniform in size and shape.
more Variety description coming soon…

“Be eating one potato, peeling a second, have a third in your fist, and your eye on a fourth.”